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Rolling Stones Autographs: In Person with Mick Jagger and Keith Richards

When it comes to Rolling Stones autographs, you could definitely say I’m experienced. Beginning as a young autograph collector in New York City in the 1980s, I had many opportunities to meet the Stones with three of them living in NYC at the time. The chance to see my musical heroes was a near daily occurrence.

For many years Mick Jagger lived in NY and was out and about all the time. We autograph collectors built a relationship with him: he would call us the “guys,” and regularly sign for us. There was even this one time I drove Mick home in my Camaro.

The Stones frontman was recording at a midtown studio in the mid-eighties and exited late at night to try and catch a cab home. We encountered him mid-exit and he stopped to sign. While signing he was trying to catch a cab and was unable to, so we asked him if he wanted a ride.

This was the beginning of an out of body experience as we walked down the block to my car. We didn’t have to ask him where he lived because we had been there so many times for autographs. While driving we were having casual convo about Bruce Springsteen, U2, and The Stone’s Charlie Watt’s health. It was completely surreal.

Keith Richards who, back in the heyday, was constantly out at nightclubs and studios in the city, after many years began to call us “family.” But you never really knew what you would get with Keith. Quite often he was very friendly, but if he was not in the mood—watch out. Keith was not one to hold back his feelings, but that’s Keith.

One time when Keith was on tour for his solo project, he played The Beacon, after the show we were waiting for him at the hotel and his assistant brought me in and I sat down with Keith and his body guard for a chat. Another incredible event that occurred over my years of following the Stones through the streets of NYC. I could not believe as I sat there in awe and listened to Keith speaking, simply adding a few words here and there. All the while I saw the other fans anxiously waiting outside. After my chat with Keith, I took my place in line and got another one myself.

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